Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rainbow Dash

Today I shall talk about the daring Rainbow Dash, and evaluate her purpose in MLP: FiM. Yes, she is very important, and I feel like she needs the second best recognition.

As I did with Twilight (May 8th), I will talk about Rainbow's color scheme. Her main color is a baby blue with a shade of Carolina Blue as the outline. Her wings have the same. With her mane, the top half seems to have from red to yellow from top to bottom, and for the tail there is (from top to bottom) purple to orange that I see. She also has a maroon pink eye shade. These all contribute to her being 20% cooler than everypony else. Just like Twilight, she is the only pony in Equestria that has her mane/tail style and 
colors. Her dad did have the rainbow patterns, but since he only showed up for a couple seconds in "Games Ponies Play" (Season 3 Episode 12), we know that Rainbow Dash is now the only one with a rainbow mane and tail style and her hair style in general. You can also notice her anywhere in Ponyville, since she has her rainbow colors, and is usually found flying in the sky or hanging out with her best friends. Nopony else has the awesomeness of Rainbow  Dash.

Next, I am going to talk about Dash's appearances and personality. In the theme song, she is found flying with rainbow streaks behind her. I have a slight problem with this. Seeing that Rainbow only has a streak behind her when she is going really fast or after doing a Sonic Rainboom, this gives a false statement to new watchers of the show. And what I see is that Dash is flying in one spot for about a second before dashing off and leaving a rainbow streak which goes on to Rarity (I believe?) and her small intro. This is fake, and I wish Hasbro would make Dash's intro more realistic, but then again, it was a creative idea for the intro, and MLP isn't a realistic show overall.. Now for her personality. Rainbow Dash is a very spunky, sassy kind of pony that just wants to have fun. She likes to brag and be famous around Equestria, and her main goal is to join the Wonderbolts. Something to say about that: The Wonderbolts should've seen the Sonic Rainboom a long time ago, and gone to see what did it. That is unusual, the same as a huge dragon destroying Ponyville, which happened in "Secret of My Excess" (Season 2 Episode 10). Same difference if you ask me. The Wonderbolts apparently do not know talent from danger. In Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow Dash proves she is a leader. But after this, there is no continuing on what happened. Did she make it? Will she continue to train to be a Wonderbolt? Who knows.

Now for the last thing is about Dash's switched gender argument at the beginning of Season 1. Many, MANY people thought that Rainbow Dash was a male because of her actions on the show am how tomboyish she acted. I admit, I thought she was a male too as well! Nowadays, people that have watched MLP:FiM for three seasons are used to Rainbow's natural tomboy attitudes and male actions, if you get my meaning. Lets discuss pairings, not that I try to anger you in any way. Applejack and Rainbow Dash is the most popular couple for fan fiction and artwork. Apparently the two have such a strong relationship, and they argue quite often, which makes them in love somehow. I don't know. Very rarely are there pairings of Twilight and Rainbow, or Fluttery and Rainbow (which is a bit more common,) but overall AppleDash/RainbowJack is the most popular. In Rainbow Factory, it is said that it was based on how Rainbow Dash used Scootaloo's blood to make a rainbow. I personally love this song, but the theme is not appropriate. Tell your kids or friends to beware if they want to watch the PMV of Rainbow Factory by Wooden Toaster, so it is quite bloody and meant for teenagers.

Rainbow Dash is definitely one of my top favorites on My Little Pony. She's daring, brave, and just 20% cooler. Next blog I may evaluate Pinkie Pie or Rarity, so keep an eye out for those!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Twilight Sparkle

Today we are going to evaluate this unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. She is the main character of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, as we usually follow her daily routines in Ponyville.

Lets talk color for a moment. Her main color is a slight purple with a dark purple outline, with some violet color in her mane and tail. She also has a pure purple and pink streak through her mane and tail. Her eyes are purple as well. Now, something to say about this. Twilight's colors are a mixture of details, even if there are only plain colors. You can easily search her out in a crowd, since she seems to be one of the only ponies who is pure purple in Ponyville. Plus, she is the only one with the mane style that she has. Other ponies have Time Turner (Doctor Whooves) "hair", or even Lyra or Bon-Bon hair. Twilight Sparkle is unique in this way. But one thing that concerns me is the noticeable change in Twilight from town to town. She used to live in Canterlot, correct? I am wondering how she never took on the lifestyle of fancy ponies, since everytime we see Canterlot everypony is all dressed up for occasion. Maybe her parents were poor? Maybe she didn't need to dress up, since she was always in the library? Who knows. Not even her cutie mark story tells much about her previous lifestyle before Ponyville.

Now lets go onto the beginning of MLP: FiM. You know, Season 1. This beginning song really peeves me. The theme already shows whom her friends are going to be, and exactly what the new town looks like and what the personalities of all of her friends are going to be. I like mystery, and with this give-away, all you are waiting for is how Twilight meets the other "Mane Five". In the theme song, you can see Rainbow Dash fly away extremely fast, and even in the beginning of the song you see Dash fly through the clouds. One thing that I saw here was that Twilight came down to Ponyville by Air Balloon, but instead she arrives by a royal chariot. Maybe this was removed to make sense for the plot? This balloon was used later in Sonic Rainboom, episode 16 of Season 1, but in the other seasons I did not see the balloon again. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Also in Season 1, this just introduces Twilight Sparkle and her new best friends, and shows her letters to Princess Celestia. At the end of Season 2 and in Season 3, she no longer writes letters, which I quite like, and they follow other ponies as well, even though I think Hasbro wanted to follow Twilight only.

I quite like the character Twilight, and even though some un-successful spells are really stupid, I still think that it was a great choice. But before I go, I would like to explain the species that Twilight is. She is a unicorn, correct? So, therefore Rarity is the only other unicorn, and Dash and Fluttershy are both pegasi, and Pinkie and Applejack are both Earth ponies. But Twilight Sparkle recently became Princess Twilight Sparkle, which I will explain probably next. The thing I want to say about this is that now Rarity is the only unicorn, and it makes the entire Mane Six unequal now that Sparkle (anypony else think that sounds strange?) is a Alicorn. This may have been a good idea, but now it gives a hint that Celestia only planned out Twilight's friends, and didn't care for them as much as Twilight Sparkle, since she only visits her. Yes, I get that Twilight is her student, but I think the others should've been given special priveledges as well. But, Princess Celestia has her ways.

This is all I have to say for Twilight Sparkle. I shall continue new evaluations of each character, and I may do relationship evaluations as well if wanted by the readers out there. I will see you next time, and have a magical life!